Tuesday 15 April 2008

Second Act.

I have just had a short play, "Romantic Novelist", accepted for publication by a company called Lazy Bees which publishes plays and musicals on the internet. The reviewer, I was told, "was sorry when it came to an end". Better than "couldn't wait for it to finish".
It reminds me of the performance of another play of mine some time ago, "Aspects of War", a one act play about the First World War.
When the play ended I went to the bar and, standing there having a drink, was a young man. Most people had left.
I heard him say to the barmaid: "How long is the interval?"
He thought the play hadn't ended. He thought there was a Second Act.
I thought: "God! I've failed. It's an unsatisfactory ending."
Then, later, I thought: "He must have enjoyed it and wanted more."
Or maybe he was sorry when it came to an end.

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