Sunday 10 August 2008


A.C.Grayling, the philosopher, though an atheist, said on Desert Island Discs today that he likes to listen to church music. I do too.
One Sunday I said to my wife "let's go to Llandaff Cathedral, I haven't seen the Epstein 'Christ in Majesty' for years". So off we went, saw the magnificent statue and then sat down for a rest.
But just then the afternoon service began so, politely, we waited there until it was over.
It was wonderful. The choir was superb, the readings beautifully executed and, of course, the music overall was magnificent.
My wife and I met a couple, man and wife, retired long since who, when we got to chatting told us that he had been an actuary while she had worked some time back for the BBC in the children's department. Those were the days of radio only.
She said she had worked with "Uncle Mac", popular many, many years ago.
She loved music and sang in a church choir.
One evening at dinner, after a few too many glasses of wine, she admitted to not being very religious (which I interpreted as not being religious at all) and that she would probably not attend church at all "if it wasn't for the music."
There is something very comforting about attending church services, especially Church of England services: the readings from the bible - the old one! - the sermons intelligently argued and of course, the wonderful music.

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