Sunday 10 February 2008

Short Stories

Who writes short stories these days? Well, there are those people who go on writing courses and there are those who join writing courses advertised in newspapers and there are, I suppose, those who write them because they want to write them, not to get published or broadcast.
There are not many writers who write short stories for money because there aren't many openings "out there". Of course, certain writers of prominence are occasionally commissioned to write short stories for a magazines because the magazines (or rarely newspapers) use their names to sell their mags. And there are some literary mags that publish short stories but they usually get grants from "the public purse". And there are some mags that publish romance stories for young women, but they are usually written "in house".
Short stories are dead and gone. What has taken their place? People once thought TV had killed them off with their plays, but not now: TV doesn't broadcast plays any more , only series and soaps.
No, what has taken their place is blogs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you completely. But what can we do about it?
Blogs give us the freedom to gripe, but what will that do?