Wednesday 16 July 2008

Believers and Non-Believers

I used to live close to The Arms Park, the famous rugby field; every year a function was held there of a religious kind. One year they had Billy Graham as guest speaker or sermoniser or whatever. Well, I'd be coming out of the block of flats where I lived, my eyes bleary from having just got up and from having had too much to drink the night before, my face the palour of someone with yellow fever, my tongue as dry as cork, when I'd be confronted by groups of people going their happy clappy way to the get-together at The Arms Park.
They were always so happy looking, so fit looking, so red cheeked and full of the joys of Spring and there I was miserable as hell and hangovered.
I thought: why don't I live the sort of life they lead?
I thought it for about ten seconds!
Then I looked at them again and what struck me most was that look of complacency bordering on arrogance. Why? Because they knew the answers to EVERYTHING. They knew the one and only truth.
Paul Johnson in The Spectator this week, writes about "militant atheism", how he despairs of these people (like Richard Dawkins) and despises them for their non beliefs.
Actually the believers and un-believers are similar in their complacency. The first lot believe that God exists, the second lot believe he doesn't. They are, if fact, both believers and they have the same kind of complacency bordering on arrogance.

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