Thursday 23 October 2008

K's Bus Journey

I'll call him K (as Kafka does of his central character in "The Trial"). I've known him a long time but hadn't seen him for a few years. So we talked about old times and new times, how the world had changed and how daft some of the politically correct happenings were. How the police made mistakes and didn't answer calls.... There was the woman whose shed was being broken into; she called the police twice but they didn't come, so she called them a third time and told them not to worry about coming now, she'd sort things out herself; she said she'd use her gun. Within three minutes two police cars arrived together with a helicopter hovering over her back garden.
K had his own story to tell involving an official - a bus driver.
After having a few drinks with his friends in the centre of Cardiff he was waiting with, he said, about eight people at the usual stop when the 49 bus, the last bus of the night to Rumney, went straight past them without stopping. What could he do but get a taxi home? So he hailed a taxi and was half way to his destination when he caught sight of the 49 bus which the taxi had evidently overtaken; he jumped out of the taxi and waited for the bus at a stop. This time it did stop to pick him up.
He said to the driver: "You let ten people (the number had increased) standing at the bus stop in Westgate Street."
"I didn't," said the driver.
"You did," said K, fuming. "Fifteen of us (!!!) were left there. I had to get a taxi."
"I stopped," the driver insisted.
K, still fuming, sat down. But the bus didn't move. Suddenly the lights went out and the driver stormed out saying as he went "I've had enough, I'm going."
So there they were, the late night passengers, sitting on the bus, no lights on, with the driver, head in hands, sitting on a wall outside.
A drunk got up and made his way to the front. "I'll drive the xxxxxxx thing," he said.
He was restrained.
Then the passengers turned on K. "It's all your fault.... what did you want to upset him for?" etc.
K said: "There we were, about twenty of us (!!!!!), at the bus stop...."
Then a little, kind old lady - you always get one on a late night bus full of drunks - she got up and went out to speak to the driver who, after a while, got back to his seat and drove everyone home.
K said nothing for the rest of the journey.

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