Wednesday 11 June 2008

The Apprentice

Sir Alan: Now, everybody's looking at us tonight in the final of what has been an absolute bloody fiasco, and I have to pick one of you four losers to be my apprentice and pay you.... (colours and swallows).... what I consider to be a vast amount of moolah. Which one do I pick? You, Mouthy, tell me why I should pick you.
Claire: Well, Sir Alan, I think I am the most....
Sir Alan: Shurrup. (pointing a finger) I think I've heard more than enough from you. You've come here with the idea that you can talk your way to glory and.....
Claire: But Sir Alan, I have learned to shut up.
Sir Alan: You're off again. One more word out of you and you're fired.
Claire: B....
Sir Alan: What?
Claire: I didn't say a word, I just said "B", the begining of "But" and I do think that....
Sir Alan: Think in your own time not mine. Now you, Lee, why should I pick you?
Lee: Because I'm a fighter, I am. I can do fings, I can. Ask me to do somethin' and I'll go out there and do it.
Sir Alan: Spell "Sir Alan".
Lee: Uh.... Er.... S...R...E...R....A...L...U...N...N...N... Sreralunnn. (Smiles)
Sir Alan: You come here saying you've been to college and you were there five minutes....
Lee: I can do a brontosaurus. Look.
Sir Alan: Sit down and belt up. You are an absolute shambles. Helene, what do you think you could contribute to my company?
Helene: I've run a corporate company, I've been in charge of 500 gobshites and I've proved that I can recover from my parents' alcoholism...
Sir Alan: But you done shit, that's all you done. You can't sell....
Helene: I know I can't sell, I've never been taught to sell; when you're in charge of 500 gobshites you've no time to sell.
Sir Alan: What about you, Alex?
Alex: I'm 24.
Sir Alan: I know you're 24. I'm sick of hearing you're 24. What other qualifications do you have?
Alex: I'm good at stabbing people in the back.
Sir Alan: Well that's something in your favour I must say.
Alex: And my hair...
Sir Alan: Never mind about your bloody hair. Hair don't make a good company man. Margaret, what do you think about them all?
Margaret: They are not what candidates once were. (Rolls her eyes)
Sir Alan: And Nick?
Nick: (Eyes closed tight) I do think there's some good material here but where exactly it is I'm afraid it's difficult to say.
Sir Alan: I agree. Well, this has been a bloody fiasco from day one and I can only pick one of you so.......

WHO WILL IT BE? See here tomorrow for the final result.

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