Saturday 27 February 2010


I am soon to have a new set of teeth, not all of them - I still have some left; I hope they fit better than the ones I have now. I told my dentist in a jocular fashion though not without some element of truth in it that I blamed my parents for the state of my teeth. He said "Well in the old days.... (he meant my days of course).... people had their milk teeth which fell out then they had their next teeth which went bad, then they had false teeth". I thanked him for that - as if I didn't know that already.
There's a good deal of fuss in America at the present time about a national health service; the Democrats want it, the Republicans don't. One Democrat Congresswoman, argueing in favour of the service, drew attention to the state of one of her constituent's mouth without teeth. She said:"I even had one constituent - you will not believe this, I know you won't, but it's true - her sister died so since she had no dentures of her own, she wore her sister's teeth."
I was once told of a woman who was waiting outside a factory entrance for her brother to appear. Why was she waiting? To borrow his false teeth of course. I never believed it but now, with the testimony of Louise Slaughter, the Congresswoman, before me I begin to wonder if I was right.
I once had an essay to write on "Teeth"; I began it with "The teeth are in the mouth....."
I crossed that out and started again.

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