Saturday 5 December 2009


Why is that if I were to say "when I came down from Cardiff" somone might possibly ask "by bus or train?" but when someone says "when I came down from Oxford (or Cambridge)" people assume he meant the university? It's because, I suppose, that Oxford has a long history of being a university but Cardiff has a long history of being a docks.
I'm afraid that, though many people say the contrary, there is a class barrier in this country, we are not now all like each other with no working class, middle class and upper class but one large homogeneous lump of wriggling human beings..... etc etc.
A lot of mention of toffs is going on these days, especially by the Labour Party members who see an opportunity to make some headway politically by pointing to the front bench of the Shadow Cabinet and saying "Eton toffs, who'd want to vote for them? They don't know anything about what ORDINARY people want or feel."
While this smacks of bad manners at the very least there is some truth in it. And now that Zac Goldsmith has thrown his hat into the political arena, on the face of it, at least, there is more than a modicum of truth in it. For if the Tory Party decide to adopt him as a candidate in the next election they will lose more votes than if they asked the Speaker's wife to stand (or lie, which she seems to find more pleasure in) as a Tory. Zac Goldsmith is a posh toff. No he is a Green posh toff. He's a danger not just to the Tories but to politics itself. Why? Because he is smooth as you know what and as calculatingly devious as.... as his father was before him.
I see that Taki admires him tremendously. Game, set and match to Labour then.

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