Monday 8 June 2009

I like it

Occasionally you come across someone who likes your style of writing. One such, for me, was a man named Christopher Sergel who was founder and head of the Dramatic Publishing Company of Illinois, USA. They published two short plays of mine, "The Terrorist" and "International Deadline" but they never took off and are now, probably, not available.
One day I was surprised to see his name as adaptor of the famous novel by Harper Lee "To Kill a Mockingbird"; it is an adaptation which has been used worldwide. Other of his adaptations were "Cheaper by the Dozen" and "The Mouse that Roared".
Now I find that he died in 1993. This I found rather strange because my play "International Deadline" was published by his company in 1994. He must have written to me about it in 1993 just before he died - which I find rather sad.
Before he set up The Dramatic Publishing Company he had had a quite adventurous life: Captain of a schooner that spent 2 years in the South Pacific; living in the African bush for a year; Lt. Commander during WW2.
His adaptation of Sherwood Anderson's "Winnesburg Ohio" made it to Broadway.
I thought it a terrific book many years ago but found it not an exciting read more recently. There is only one line I can remember from it (and this may not be an accurate quotation) about a rather grubby looking man: "even the whites of his eyes were dirty".
RIP Christopher Sergel, one of those rare individuals who liked what I wrote.

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