Tuesday 22 January 2008

National Treasures

Yesterday Michael Henderson was writing in the Telegraph about our (meaning his) "national treasures". Talking about "The History Boys" (which he thought pretty well a masterpiece - I don't) he thought Alan Bennett a genius (I don't) and that he qualified for a place in his national treasures list (maybe). Twiggy also qualified but Kate Moss doesn't. Morecombe does but not Wise (surely, in the words of the once popular song on love and marriage, "you can't have one without the other"; where would Morecombe have been without Wise?)
But I cannot find anything to make a real fuss about until he came to Botham. Botham a National Treasure? "Beefy" Botham? Botham the bully boy? Well I know he is one of the greatest all-round cricketers ever and that he has done some sterling work for charities, but you can't get away from the fact that he is as likeable as a bar bore. I think Martin Jonson, the once England rugby captain would have more going for him in the national treasure department - and I'm Welsh so he's automatically on my hate list.

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