Saturday 26 January 2008


I wrote a short play some time back; called "On the Street" it dealt with five young people sleeping rough. I did nothing with it until this last week when I decided to re-write it and send it to a competition - the Drama Association of Wales Play Competition. I completed it yesterday and sent it off. Then I had what I thought a good idea: I would re-write it again (not for the competition obviously) only this time with music, some accompanying the play, some to be sung by the characters. In other words I would turn it into A MUSICAL. I have written a musical before but getting a composer to put music to it took me about 12 years and it still hasn't been staged. So I thought "HANDEL"! Why not use his music? I wouldn't have to find a composer then. So I went out and bought a CD with all his popular stuff on it - Water Music, Fireworks Music, Queen of Sheba, See the conquering hero, Hallelujah ..... and others. Great.
I pick up the newspaper to find that Stephen Fry has decided to make a film about the life of Handel, I turn on Radio 3 and there's bit of Handel, turn to Classic FM, more Handel....
Handel must be in the air. Or maybe great minds think alike.
I heard that Beethoven, on his death bed, sat up, pointed to a collection of Handel's works on a shelf and said "The greatest of them all". Having listened to a lot of Handel lately I'm beginnin g to think he may have been right.

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