Monday 4 July 2011

Westerns music

If I were asked for my favourite music on a Desert Island Discs programme I think one of my choices would be the music from one of my favourite Westerns. This would take me back to long ago when they made good Westerns in Hollywood. I suppose when we think of Hollywood we think usually of three kinds of film: Westerns, Musicals and Thrillers. I do anyway.
The three in contention would be Elmer Bernstein's score for"The Mgnificent Seven", Jerome Moross's "The Big Country" and Victor Young's "Shane". It would be a diffuicult choice because I like them all.
OK, here goes: it would have to be "The Magnificent Seven". It is one of the most excciting pieces of film music I've heard though Star Wars and Psycho run it close seconds.
I put the three pieces of Westerns music on Youtube and they're all good but 7 is the best.
At the end of 7 there are a few comments sent in by members of the general public. One of them was "This song makes me wanna find six of my best friends and take on an army."
Yeah, I know how he feels.

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