Sunday 17 July 2011

The Apprentice

Some of my friends don't watch The Apprentice. Most of them wouldn't watch it unless they were strapped to a chair and had their eyes prised open. To them Lord Alan Sugar is a capitalist of the worst kind: one who makes money for the sake of making money. Capitalists of a certain kind enjoy making money: it's their 'raison detr', their purpose of living.
I'm growing to like him. He is possibly the ugliest man on TV, maybe the ugliest in the country, but I can't hold that against him since I once read, and enjoyed, an essay by Chesterton titled "In Praise of Ugliness" and so have always had a soft spot for uglyiness: without ugliness there would be nothing to compare beauty with after all.
Who is going to win this year's game? That's what it is, a game. Though there is a serious element this time in that the winner will have £250 000 to play with - or rather, to start a business with. But who cares if a business is started or not; all we fans care about is who wins.
My money is on Tom because he is the only one with an inventive streak. While he doesn't know much history - "Columbus was English wasn't he?" (To which Hazel replied "Yes"). Then, didn't Tom say he was going to be greater than Dyson? I think he believed it. And I think Sugar.... sorry, Lord Sugar..... may believe it too.
Jim shot himself in the foot last week and the week before with his "Caracas" restaurant - Crackers might have been better. And he talks too much. He'd annoy Sugar so much - yeah Sugar - he'd be dropped at the first hurdle.
Hazel is too good to be true. She's perfect. But she's never run a company like the other one, the Chinese-looking girl whose name escapes me. The panel of "The Apprentice - You're Fired" picked her last week. Never. She'd drive me up the wall in two days - no, two minutes.
We shall see.

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