Saturday 19 June 2010

Bad Film Club

"Birdemic" is a film that is so bad it's good. That's what a lot of filmgoers are saying. Some have got together to form a Bad Film Club and "Birdemic" is favourite there. It was made for about $10000 and shown first not at the Sundance Film Festival run by Robert Redford but "in a basement bar" near the festival. That may say something about its quality; after all "The Blair Witch" thing was a great success at the official festival.
Bad Film Clubs are springing up all over the place apparently. I know there's one in Chapter Arts Centre Cardiff though I have not yet been to see any of the films they have shown there. I think one of the first they showed was "Snakes on a Plane" which, to my mind, is not a film to laugh at. OK it's rather a silly film - the title pretty well describes it all: Samuel L Jackson has the job of escorting a man who has witnessed a crime across country in a plane but the person who doesn't want the man to testify against him has filled the hold of the plane with deadly snakes and they are let loose. I enjoyed the film. It is very well made with technical effects that are astonishing. And it has one of those over-the-top performances from Jackson that you can't help enjoying. So I didn't go to see it at The Bad Film Club because I didn't want to sit there listening to people laughing at it.
Now "Birdemic: Shock and Terror" is a different thing altogether. It's technical effects are practically non existant; the acting is wooden; the script is weak to the point of absurdity. And so on. Someone said about it and the others like it they are showing at The Bad Film Clubs all over the Western world: "First you're laughing at what's on the screen, then you're laughing with and finally you're cheering for".
The film's director isn't put out by this mockwery of his effort; after all the film has become so popular he's now cashing in on it. Apparently he's going to make sequel - "Birdemic 2" with a bit more money than he invested in "Birdemic 1".
There are a couple of good laughs in "Snakes on a Plane" one being the pilot's response to his being informed that the snakes are getting everywhere. "If they get in the elctrics," he says, "we'll be down faster than a Thai hooker."

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