Thursday 10 September 2009


The bells in Ipswitch church have at last, after a quarter of a century, been repaired and are now ringing again. I wonder if the people living close to the church are as happy as those who helped repair and intsall the enormous bells; because they can be rather monotonous to hear. Wouldn't it be better if they played tunes as they do on the continent?
I think it was Dorothy L. Sayers who remarked that on the continent the church bells play tunes while in this country they play mathematical permutations.
I am not personally in favour of these loud sounds relayed across the land from such places as churches; maybe it reminds me of that hooter that used to, well, hoot from the local coal mine when I was a kid; it hooted loud and clear across the valleys every morning at about four o'clock to inform the miners that it was time they got out of bed and into their working clothes. What an intrusion in the lives of people? If they tried something like that these days there'd probably be a strike.
I think in some town in the north of England where there are great numbers of Muslims, it was mooted that a sort of hooter be used to call people to prayer. Thankfully it has not been installed. Yet!

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