Monday 16 September 2013

The bad and the beautiful.

Last week I saw one of the worst films I have ever seen and.... well, probably not one of the best but certainly a great film. "Only God forgives" is a dreadful film. I was expecting something good from the director and his star of "Drive", Ryan Hoskins, but it wasn't to be. It had nothing going for it unless you like heaps of violence of the nastiest kind - eye-gouging, sword eviscerating, guns galore etc. Left halfway through and don't know why I waited so long. On the way out I said to the usherette "Can I have my money back please?" She said that many people had left the film early in the past week; some had come to see Christin Scott Thomas believing a film with her in it must be good. Not so. She played the part of a criminal mother of two sons one of whom is killed.... But it doesn't matter because the story was just plain uninteresting, slow and boring.
The other film was one of Carl Dreyer's early films, a silent one in fact: "The Passion of Joan of Arc". Piano accompaniment with it. A slow-burning film culminating in a death scene that made one shiver with dread. The film concentrated on facial expressions at the trial of Joan of Arc. Most of the action took place in a single room. There was little dialogue but it wasn't needed, the expressions said it all.
I don't think it's as good as "Day of Wrath" which I saw on Film 4 a few months ago but compared to "Only God Forgives" it was masterly.

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