Wednesday 3 October 2012

Jimmy Savile

What I find amazing about this Jimmy Savile scandal, apart from the allegations of his abuse of children that no one in the BBC seemed to have any knowledge of (I don't think!), is that the BBC ever took him on the staff in the first place. I have always found him obnoxious. As far as I'm concerned, whenever his stupid face with that stupid hair and that stupid cigar appeared on the TV I rushed to shut it off. I just could not stand the sound of his voice. Really I could not stand anything about him. Yet, if I, as I sometimes did, voiced my objections to his TV appearances, I was always faced with the remark "Hah, but he does such good work; take Stoke Mandeville hospital for example". I wonder now if that generosity on his part had something to do with his celebrity status; maybe it was something he could boast about, something that made him safe from censure. It seems now that I'm right, it did make him safe because I have heard that he used the fact on a few occasions when reporters approached him about the rumours of his behaviour: "you print anything about those rumours and I'll withdraw all my money from Stoke Manderville".
Now Esther Rantzen says she is ashamed of having had him as a friend and feels that she and others like her colluded with him in his horrible acts. What on earth did she find so attractive in him to have him as a friend in the first place? It seems that Savile had tremendous power over his colleagues some of whom now admit this to be true.
Let us go back in time to the BBC run by Lord Reith shall we? It's beyond belief that Reith would have even contemplated employing a person of such low life, such a clown, such an oaf, such a talentless smoothy, such a monstrous caricature of a human being.
But there! Once upon a time the BBC had high taste; now it hasn't. Why? Because it wishes to compete with ITV etc to see, we must conclude, which of them can produce the tawdriest rubbish for a nation brought up on pop, rock, rap and crap.

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