Sunday 1 July 2012


Why are chairs in pubs so uncomfortable? Maybe so that you have to get out of them to get more drinks down you. All the pubs I have been in in the past few months have chairs that have struts across the back which stick into the bones in my back. And since I have discovered that I have a fracture in a bone there, the discomfort is worse. This pain due to a small fracture came about by.... I know not how. Maybe from sitting on pub chairs. When the doctor sent for an X-ray and told me I had the fracture I thought: "Osteoperosis or something! A gradual crumbling of my bones to dust! Slow death as my body loses all its muscular power so that I just fall slowly to the ground like a broken toy..... But after a test of my bone density I was told I had no crumbling, no osteperosis - nothing of the kind. What then? The doc didn't know. But I did: pub chairs of course.
I once heard a radio programme in which arty critics discussed theatre, films, books etc and, on one occasion, a design exhibition. They were going on about what wonderful designs the furniture had until someone commented on a certain chair: how wonderful its design was. Then up spoke the Joe Bloggs of the company: "I always judge a chair first on is it comfortable to sit in." Well done Joe, I thought. What is the point of designing a chair if it can't be sat on with pleasure? None.
So, I am in search of a pub that has chairs that are comfortable to sit on, not the ones I keep finding with hard struts in the backs that, for some unknown reason, are always the same height from the seat as my factured bone. Ouch!

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