Saturday 28 April 2012

House of Lords

Reform of the House of Lords. How those words inspire! How they make the adrenilin flow!
If I were to consult some of the habitual denizens of my local pub I think I can guess what their answers would be if asked the question: "Do you think the House of Lords should be reformed?" It would either be "Couldn't care less" or "Yes, they should just get rid of the House of Lords altogether."
The Spectator's editor believes that it works quite well as it is so we should follow the advice given by Viscount Falkland in 1614: "When it is not necessary to change, it is necessary not to change." Or, as it might be put today: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."
Nick Clegg is someone who believes, it seems, with an almost religious conviction, that the Lords should be reformed. According to Simon Heffer, writing in the Daily Mail, "Mr Clegg's desire to reform the House of Lords is gratuitous, narcissistic and ignorant." But, Simon, it's in keeping with everything that Nick Clegg has done over the past year or so: first was his admission that he had slept with 30 women (which, when Nicky got up in parliament to say that in a constituency meeting a young woman had approached him.... had inspired a remark from another MP : "Thirty-one!") which is not, as I suppose he imagined it might have been, something that would prove him to be "at one" with the ordinary guy; then his assuming that the vote on proportional representation would go through; then ..... Too many cack-handed things to list.
Reforming the House of Lords is about as interesting as watching cricket when it's raining or reading articles about the imminent election of a London mayor when the two main candidates are buffoons.
Apparently, according to a recent poll, "only 42% are interested in politics." As much as that!
People are finding it hard to make ends meet and our beloved politicians are pondering over reform of the House of Lords. As the Daily Mail might put it: "you couldn't make it up."

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