Thursday 15 September 2011


Many moons ago, pre-NHS, if I wanted to have a ear syringed I'd pop to the doctor's and he'd do it there and then; might have to wait an hour or so but it would be done. Now?
Sunday morning I woke to find that my right ear was clogged with wax. I phoned my doctor's surgery on Monday.
"I have a blocked ear; can I get it syringed?"
"You'll have to put earex in it for five days before it can be syringed."
"I put some in yesterday; it's now Monday so can I have it done on Thursday?
"There are no nurses here on Thursdays."
"What about Friday then?"
"Let me see. No, none available I'm afraid."
"Listen, I've booked for a concert on Friday evening, French music, Ravel and Debussey. I'll only be able to hear it with one ear. Couldn't you slip me in somehow?"
"what can I do then?"
" Next Monday all right?"
"I suppose so."
"Monday at our other surgery at 10.50."
Later that day I went to the surgery to pick up a prescription. I thought might as well ask the girl behind the desk:
"Any chance of seeing a nurse on Friday this week?"
"Yes. 12.30."
She wrote the day and time on a piece of paper for me.
Tuesday afternoon I happened to look at the paper. It said "Tuesday at 1.30pm."
I phoned the surgery.
"I came there yesterday and asked for an appointment with a nurse on Friday; she's given me one today at 1.30."
"That's gone."
"I know it's gone but it's not my fault - she booked it when I asked for Friday."
"There's nothing available on Friday."
"I know, I was told that Monday morning. But it's ok, I have an appointment at your other surgery on Monday to get a ear syringed."
"They don't do syringing there."
"What? But I booked an appointment."
"You booked with a new woman on the desk. The next you can have is next Wednesday."
"That's 10 days from the time I had the problem"
"Ok, book it please."
Then I had a brainwave. I shall phone Spiral (used to be Bupa I believe) and pay for it.
"Spiral here."
"Can I have my ear syringed on Friday."
"Good. How much will it be?"
"Well you'll have to see a consultant first; it will be under £50."
Yeah, £49.50 I thought.
"No thanks."
Another brainwave. The University of Wales Hospital's ear department.
"I wonder if I could come there and have my ear syringed."
"Not unless your doctor has referred you."
Which would mean a wait of a couple of months, no doubt.
So, to the concert on Friday with one ear good and one bad. A few drinks are called for before the concert I think. Maybe a few afterwards too.
Some NHS this is!

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