Monday 30 May 2011


Terry Engleton, writing in Prospect magazine tells us who he hates..... Hold on. Terry Eagleton, that leftie professor whose latest book is called "Why Marx was Right" - perhaps he means Groucho - he's writing an article in that rightie magazine!!!! Those four exclamation marks no doubt would bring out the worst in Eagleton: "one is too many".
Anyway, he gives a list of people he'd like to see done away with or locked up with the key thrown away. These are Tom Cruise,Mel Gibson, Dick Cheney, Henry Kissinger, Tony Blair, Prince Andrew, Piers Morgan, Ben Brown (who's he?) and Robert Kilroy-Silk.
I have to agree with him on Mel Gibson but probably for different reasons. He doesn't give reasons but you can see where he's going can't you? Tom Cruise is Master (or some such thing) of Scientology, a religion based on the teachings of a science fiction writer named L. Ron Hubbard - I wonder what the L stands for if anything; maybe it's like the G in Edward G. Robinson which gives some distinction to an ordinary name but isn't actually a name at all. So Eagleton must be against stupid religions. That means most. Mel Gibson is a Jew-hating religious film maker and hopeless actor who makes religious films etc. Dick Cheney. Well nobody likes Dick Cheney except Dick Cheney and George Bush (maybe). Kissinger. Mmm. Yes I suppose so. A bit sinister and remember Vietnam.Tony Blair? Now I like Tony Blair but he is disliked by the right and the left for, wait for it, Iraq and the dodgy dossier. Blair made the Labour Party votable for; without Blair there wouldn't have been all those years of left-wing..... er..... liberal.... er.... OK, I hate him too. Prince Andrew. Agreed. What a shocker he is!!! (three exclamation marks to make sure he's noticed). Piers Morgan. I can't say I like or dislike him. He's a bit of a nonentity really. Ben Brown. Who's he? And Robert Kilroy-Silk. Not who's he but where's he?
The trouble with Eagleton is, like a lot of lefties (and rightees), he doesn't believe in freedom of the individual; he'll shut people up who don't agree with his ideas; he hates people he doesn't think worthy of his time; he writes books like "Why Marx was Right" when we all know now that Marx was wrong.
Wasn't he?

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