Sunday 7 November 2010

Brain Washing

I can just about comprehend someone who has been brain-washed by some obscure cult following their teachings: it's quite common. Wasn't there a cult that sensible people joined in which they were told that they were going to a certain comet if they took this poison and died? And didn't they take it and die? Yes they did. When I heard that I went outside to look at the comet - Bob or some such thing it was called - and wondered how anyone in their right mind could have.... but there you are, the world is full of "culters". And, of course, the world is a-plenty with cult runners, charlatans often who take your money and sleep with your wives or your children. So I shouldn't be surprised that a young woman reads a website, gets taken in by the so-called arguments to go out there and do something drastic like knife an MP, should I? Well yes, actually I am surprised. But there, as some American politician said, "stuff happens".
But what I do not understand is the police reaction to what happened next. The young woman was tried and given a life sentence which she seemed perfectly happy to receive (that did make me wonder what planet she's on) but nothing was done to her followers inside the courtroom and afterwards outside (though I have to admit that they were kicked out of the court) who shouted abuse and threatened to kill the MP and cheer on the girl, who's life is ruined, and make the usual fuss these people do when something doesn't go the way they want it to.
Were they arrested? No they were not. Were they told to bugger off? No they were not. Will they be there next time when somebody else tries to knife an MP? Yes they will.
If I went out onto the street with a banner saying "Kill the Mayor" I'd be arrested instantly.
There seems to be one law for the non-cult followers and another for the brain-washed.

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