Monday 12 October 2009

Albert Dekker

Off to Torquay last weekend (one of those deals for a three night stay which is "an offer you can't refuse") but wondering how to spend the time there; plenty of entertainment in the hotel itself but not really to my liking - second rate performers doing all the old favourite songs and comedians.... I won't go on..... So, I booked to see an amateur production of "All my Sons" by Arthur Millar. This was put on by Torquay's "Toad Theatre Co." and a wonderful company it is.
The acting was superb and the play was a near masterpiece (flawed I felt by Millar's tendecy to preach and to generalise - but it was an early play). What I found particularly admirable was the set: it often is one of the failings of amateur productions that the set design and construction is less than adequate; this was excellent.
The play deals with an aircraft manufacturer who has supplied faulty parts of engines thus indirectly causing the deaths of 21 pilots and the repercussions of his crime. I had seen the play before, I remembered, not as a play but as a film. With Albert Dekker. Think I can find any reference to the film? The only film I can track down is one which had Edward G, Robinsion and Burt Lancaster in it. It is definitely not the film I saw but one which I would like to see (I am a member of but they don't have it).
Albert Dekker made some good films in the fifties but not many are now remembered. The two most memorable are "The Killers" and "Dr Cyclops". In "The Killers" he played the ruthless leader of a crooked gang; he set out to find the guy who had deceived him over a woman and a haul of money. Great film. From a Hemingway short story, the first twenty minutes of the film transpose the story almost word for word to the film - after that it's flashbacks.
It was remade with Albert Dekker's role taken by Ronald Reagan, his last film before he decided to solve the world's problems!

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